Aug 2, 2010

Brimfield Finds

Last week I showed you some of the vendors at Brimfield Antique Markets. Today, here are the goodies I found.

One of my favorite spots is a joint effort between two Concord, MA shops - Nesting on Main & Cary Goodrich at Thoreauly Antiques. They have a beautifully decorated booth full of finds for the home and the garden - 1, 2. I like all the great old paper goods and notions. This year, I found the three vintage postcard books from the Louvre and Cannes. I wish I could figure out a way to show you the postcards, they are great, especially the ones of Cannes. They are so hard to hold open an photograph :)

On my way out of the booth I found this whole tray of old Eastman Kodak photos. I picked out three that had a nautical theme. I love the boy on the roof top with his pea coat and hat. I'm going to frame them and hang them as a series of 3 pictures.

I got the smaller blue glass bottle above at another vendor with a beautifully laid out shop. I can't remember their name though, sorry. But I took lots of photos in their booth - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. There were so many great pieces of furniture and decoratives in this booth. My favorite was an old door where the large center glass pane area was replaced with a mirror.

Finally, I found one of those great blue glass ball canning jars half the blog-o-sphere seems to already own. :) I love the color!

I already have a photo above of this jar but it looked so lovely sitting on my porch table. I couldn't resist sharing this photo too.
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